"GoBless America"

Business Ownership Success Services, Inc.
"In GOD We Trust"
Founder & President
Lance Woodworth

The BOSS™ DOES NOT provide answers to Legal, Accounting or Federal, State, Local or IRS Tax questions, tax questions in general, Stock Pricing or Ratio Analysis. The BOSS™ DOES NOT GUARANTEE that using the information at this website will be of value to you, will  help you become successful in starting or operating a small business, or in raising money for your business. The BOSS™ website is an information dissemination site designed and offered solely for the purpose of helping anyone that wants to become an Entrepreneur do so and to help them build a small business. The BOSS™ will provide timely and reasonable response to your questions and inquiries sent by email and will do everything possible to provide high quality service to all of The BOSS™ website Users. The BOSS™ CAN NOT, WILL NOT AND DOES NOT GUARANTEE THAT USING THE INFORMATION DERIVED FROM THE MATERIAL PURCHASED AT THIS WEBSITE WILL BE OF ANY VALUE WHATSOEVER TO YOU.

© Copyright 2005-2025 Business Ownership Success Services, Inc. & The BOSS™All Rights Reserved.
"We honor and thank our Veteran's and their families for their sacrifice, and all wounded warriors!"
Because of the brave men and women, who over the years have fought and died, or suffered physical and mental wounds, we are privileged to still have the Free Enterprise system, working well! If it was not for our brave men and women of the United States military we would never have reached this point in American history.


...the freedom of private businesses to operate competitively
for profit with minimal government regulation.

The BOSS™ is committed to the promotion and strengthening of Free Enterprise as a key foundation
 of America through the realization of the dreams of Entrepreneurs. So, if you want to become an Entrepreneur
you will need to quit holding back on using your full-potential, and the talents and abilities you know
 in your heart, God gave you! So, take that step forward now and make it happen!​​

"So, why not start a business yourself
 and make your dream come true!"

The United States has 32,000,000 Small Businesses!

America's history proves the "freedom" to pursue any business is the greatest idea ever developed for an
 individual or a nation for economic growth and stability. So, America "is and will" remain the number
one leader of the "Free World!" This is because American's believe in rewards for personal effort,
creativity, maturation, and productivity, combined with faith in God. This is what makes it work!

"I Pledge Allegiance To The Flag
 Of The United States Of America
 And To The Republic
 For Which It Stands,
 One Nation Under God,
With Liberty
 And Justice For All."