WVR, Inc.
 Bonnet Creek 2014 
Daughter  NYC Museum 

Business Ownership Success Services, Inc.
"In GOD We Trust"
Founder & President
Lance Woodworth
The BOSS™ DOES NOT provide answers to Legal, Accounting or Federal, State, Local or IRS Tax questions, tax questions in general, Stock Pricing or Ratio Analysis. The BOSS™ DOES NOT GUARANTEE that using the information at this website will be of value to you, will  help you become successful in starting or operating a small business, or in raising money for your business. The BOSS™ website is an information dissemination site designed and offered solely for the purpose of helping anyone that wants to become an Entrepreneur do so and to help them build a small business. The BOSS™ will provide timely and reasonable response to your questions and inquiries sent by email and will do everything possible to provide high quality service to all of The BOSS™ website Users. The BOSS™ CAN NOT, WILL NOT AND DOES NOT GUARANTEE THAT USING THE INFORMATION DERIVED FROM THE MATERIAL PURCHASED AT THIS WEBSITE WILL BE OF ANY VALUE WHATSOEVER TO YOU.

© Copyright 2005-2025 Business Ownership Success Services, Inc. & The BOSS™All Rights Reserved.
 "The BOSSwas sad to hear "Mike" passed away July 4, 2023 in peace! We are very thankful for the
 many blessings over "38" years of God's Love, Wisdom and Good Deeds that "he" gave to me and my
family during our own personal difficulties and on all of our business projects. The Bible (KJV) says:
Hebrews 13:15  "But do not forget to do good and to share, for with such sacrifices God is well pleased!"
Myron "Mike" Hass
"Finance Pro"
B. A. Valparaiso University
 Valparaiso, Indiana
M.B.A. University of Denver
 Denver, Colorado
U.S. Army Veteran
 Honorable Discharge 
Mike was a seasoned "guru" with over 55 years of experience as a registered CPA in three states; Price Waterhouse, Chicago doing business
audits and M&A analysis; high tech adviser; Entrepreneur; Mentor; and CFO for Heizer Venture Capital, Chicago and the Executive CFO, 
COO and V.P. of Operations in many business sectors. He also was a finance instructor at Nova-Southeastern University, Keiser University,
 and Embry Riddle University, all in Florida. Mike was a very wise and astute business person, and a finance expert. He was married for over 60
 years to his lovely wife, Nancy and has three sons, all successful lawyers. Mike's personality was composed of compassion, loving kindness
and sincere caring for others as a "Man of God", Husband and Father, whose integrity was unquestionable!
James "Jim" Howard
Business & Finance Mentor
 (to Lance from 1985-1999)

Jim mentored Lance at The Harvard Club, NYC
 and provided "wisdom and knowledge" that
was priceless. He found Jim in Success Magazine
"The Magazine for Achievers" in 1984 with
 Diane Sawyer on the cover. His article was titled:
 Mr. Write Jim Howard
who was featured for his reputation as a small
business valuation expert. He was also contributing
 writer for  Dunn & Bradstreet and the Harvard Business Review and under his family advertising
 and promotion business consulted for funding and support for the "Nixon for President" successful campaign
as a key person. After one meeting with Jim at the Boca Raton Hotel & Club, Florida Jim sent a letter to
Lance requesting a $25,000 fee "paid in advance" for one week of training at Rockefeller Plaza,
New York City where Jim's office was located. The relationship grew from that point on for years. 

Lance Woodworth
"The BOSS"​

IEU Institute of Management
 Director M.B.A. Program

B.S. Education, Minor in Math
 University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN

M. Ed. Counseling Psychology
University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL

U.S.N.R. OCS & Flight School
Vietnam Era Veteran, Honorable Discharge

U.S. Peace Corp, Nakemte Wollega
Ethiopia, East Africa 

Lance was a Florida elected delegate for President Ronald Reagan's 1986 White House Conference On Small Business. He has conducted
employee relations, motivation and profitability seminars for hundreds of small business entrepreneurs and colleges. In 1992 he moved to Indonesia and was director of a "Top Ten" Southeast Asian MBA university, consultant for REDECON Consulting and then acquired P.T. Cosmorindo Mega , a
consulting company. In 1997 Asia's economy forced his return to Orlando, Florida where he resumed consulting and raising capital and spent six years as
 a top executive rep selling millions for Wyndham Vacation Resorts, achieving top honors and awards and started The BOSS™. 

​Tiffany "Hope" Woodworth
Business Consultant
CEO Chicks
Tiffany began at CEO Chicks, a for "women only entrepreneur" consulting company as assistant to the founder and CEO, Coleen Otero.
 She now advises client members on maximizing their social media presence by leveraging their "brands". Tiffany assists them with
 business development using a variety of social media and marketing strategies. She also advises "Clients" when a business needs help
 communicating with the age "18-28" targeted entrepreneurs. She joined an upstart JWLKRS Church as one of the team worship
 leaders and now JWLKRS is releasing Christian songs written and sung by them. The first was "Silence" released in
 January 2023 has touched the hearts of thousands worldwide. Spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ is what Tiffany embraced
very young with voice lessons and church leadership training before joining JWLKRS. She is blessed with singing talents 
of her mother who was a great singer and with "The BOSS", her dad as her business mentor.
IEU New Campus Building - Jakarta, Indonesia
Dr. Kemala Motik, Founder & President (red Jacket)
Dr. Indiryati, Director BBA Program (red dress)
When you see this,
 you will know
 who is in control...
When you see this,
 you will know
 who is in control...

Kayan "Yan" Chow
Mortgages *  Accounting * Finance

​Affiliate Consultant
Kayan Interpreting N Consulting Services